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Island Supps



Regular price $189.95 AUD
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RAD-140 (Testolone) is a hugely popular SARM, and for good reason! RPO's RAD140 is a unique product amongst the many SARMS available, so unique in fact, its main purpose for development was to be a hormonal replacement for testosterone due to the lack of side effects (which typically include prostate enlargement, suppression of natural testosterone production, hair loss and many other undesirable side effects). Amazingly, RAD140 has been shown to reduce these effects on the male body while on a cycle of anabolics.

Fortunately RAD140 being so selective in nature attaches almost exclusively to the androgen receptors of the muscle tissue and bone, meaning there are no other issues created that usually stem from use of potentially harmful anabolics.

RAD140 is also fantastic for body recomposition, as it allows the user to build lean muscle tissue while simultaneously reducing body fat, which makes it perfect for anyone trying to attempt a bulk or a cut, due to its lack of water retention and strong muscle building properties, expect those gains to come on lean, hard and fast.

RPO's's RAD140 is a fantastic SARM that ticks all the boxes, a perfect stand-alone product or stacked to enhance the effect of all other Biotek products.


  • Rapidly reduce body fat
  • Boost strength
  • Increased lean muscle tissue
  • Fantastic for bulking or cutting
  • Fantastic for body recomposition
  • Stacks perfectly with all other Sarms

DOSAGE RECOMMENDATIONS: Independant lab research has indicated singular doses per day in the recommended range of 10mg to 20mg per day with a half-life of 20 hours. Independent research has shown cycles of 8 weeks for maximum effect. 

30ml | 10mg/ml

These products are not for use in preventing, curing, or treating a particular disease or ailments. For research only, not for human consumption.

It is important to note that this item is not an approved medication or treatment by regulatory authorities such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Its use is primarily associated with experimental and research purposes. Additionally, the safety and long-term effects of this product are not fully understood, and it may have potential risks and side effects. 
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